Charter on Physician Well-Being

The Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine (CHARM) and the AMA strengthen health care teams and patient care by supporting physicians.

CHARM charter overview

The Charter on Physician Well-Being was created by the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine (CHARM), a group of leading medical centers and organizations that includes the AMA. The Charter helps health systems, organizations and individuals advance and promote physician well-being. This project was supported by a grant from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation.

4 guiding principles

  • Patient care: Effective patient care promotes and requires physician well-being.
  • Well-being of all: Physician well-being is related with the well-being of all members of the health care team.

  • High-value care: Physician well-being is a quality marker.

  • Shared responsibility: Physician well-being requires collaboration between individual physicians and their organizations.

3 key commitments

CHARM early adopters

Associations, alliances, councils and societies have already joined to honor the collective commitment of physicians to patients and to each other. All signatories of the CHARM Charter will be publicly listed.

Join Us

To sign on to the CHARM Charter, please indicate your organization's name and contact information.